
How ‘partner-shoring’ can support a scale-up

If you’re a tech leader involved in a significant and rapid scale up – perhaps because your company has private investors who are looking for big returns within a three- to five-year period – a highly effective option can be adopting a ‘partner-shoring’ model. That’s where your organisation leverages the value of working with an external near-shore firm in a way that involves seamless collaboration between your own team and theirs.

Remote software development teams collaborating using the partner-shoring model to scale up effectively

Here’s how you can make it work:

The scale-up challenge

Often private equity-backed owners will be looking to invest in the product to significantly grow revenue. Typically, this may involve transforming a monolithic on-premise software product to a modern SaaS offering, or extending the product into other markets.

Whatever the plan may be, it’s likely to create a need to rapidly expand the engineering team. This could be in terms of head count, and potentially also to bring in new expertise if the scale-up involves a significant technology shift and the necessary know-how doesn’t already exist within the business.

Going outside the business to solve the problem

A highly effective way to solve this problem is to bring in expertise from outside, as hiring and building a team internally can be time-consuming, costly and risky.

That’s why turning to a near-shore partner, with flexible teams and talented people who have done this many times before, can reap big rewards. They will be able to offer, for example, experience and understanding of how to use public cloud in a cost-effective way, how to build cloud-native SaaS products, and so on – while maximising the benefits of modern standards and approaches, such as automation, continuous testing and rapid delivery cycles. This can be a very cost-effective way of putting an outstanding final product into users’ hands as quickly as possible.

An added advantage can be the way in which you can easily scale the development team up or down. For example, a private investor may often begin to reduce their levels of investment after year two or three as they look to grow their bottom line prior to exiting after five years or so. In turn, that may require a scaling back of the engineering team, which is harder to do if it involves laying off internal employees.

Setting up autonomous teams

None of this is likely to work well unless you create autonomous teams that remove as many dependencies as possible – as dependencies are the biggest productivity killer when it comes to software development. If completing a task depends on input from another team or individual, working at pace frequently becomes impossible – which is exactly the opposite of what a major scale-up needs.

Instead, an autonomous team will have all the skills and experience necessary to forge ahead successfully and at pace. They will be able to handle everything from talking to end users about their needs, and creating a roadmap and product strategy, right through to production and deployment, with all the necessary DevOps, engineering, testing, and product people in between that are required to get the job done.

The Spotify model

In my opinion, autonomous teams are the only way to scale rapidly – and using the Spotify model is an example of a good way to build and maintain such teams.

At the top, there is a tribe leader, who may be responsible for multiple teams, each one containing all the skills necessary to complete a project. The tribe leader is empowered to make decisions and move people around their teams as necessary.

Then, across those teams, there are special-interest groups called guilds. These are collections of people who have the same areas of expertise, and they are used for sharing knowledge and advice across teams. Each guild will have a leader, who is a specialist in their field, but may not be from the management team.

And there are also chapters, which are a way of managing and mentoring individuals, without the need for multiple layers of line management.

Overall, this model is an effective way of running large teams, because the CTO can focus on supporting the tribe leaders and then only managing by exception – in other words, not having to focus too much on details unless there is a specific problem, in which case they can go in deep to help find a solution.

Leveraging the benefits of near-shoring

The crucial factor to bear in mind throughout all of the above is that it is not necessary for an team to be physically co-located. As long as its members have the necessary autonomy and the ability to collaborate seamlessly, they can be anywhere. This allows you to leverage the cost and flexibility advantages of partnering closely with a near-shore company – or ‘partner-shoring’, as we like to call it.

Over the years, I’ve helped many businesses to rapidly scale up and significantly increase their value by deploying these methodologies.

To find out more about how we at Damilah can help you to do the same, get in touch now to discuss our range of services.

Iain Bishop, founder and CEO, Damilah